Tuesday, July 19, 2011

In the Nerderey

The first bit of trash that goes into this nerd bin is going to have to explain where I am coming from as a self-proclaimed nerd. First of all I grew up in a small California migrant town called Greenfield which is basically 30 minutes from nowhere imparticular. Luckily I come from a line of nerds from my father’s side of the family.

I grew up under the thumb of a Trekky posing as a high school history teacher. My uncles are gamers (the D&D original RPG types) who had their bits of influence trickle down to me and when My uncle Matt and his family stayed with us for a bit I think I got a super-injection of geekhood in my later teen years. I was never a convention attendee (that cost $$ and was usually somewhere important which was far from me) and because I was raised by a secret nerd I was never a rebellious type because who’s ever heard of a geek or nerd who was overbearing or strict with their children?

I was the type of nerd who basically wore hand-me-downs like all the comics from the 70’s and early 80’s like The New Mutants or whatever side character happened to spin off from the DC universe that was never of any import two years after publication. I grew up with the TV tuned to old sci-fi shows from the 60’s like Lost in Space and we couldn’t change the channel because Dad would record them.

If people criticize me for not being die-hard fanboy or for not knowing some minute detail then, I apologize. I’m simply trying to create another (It gets exhaustive these days I’m sure) place for discussion of anything nerd-related. So, come one come all to the Nerd Bin and share whatever it is you think is of interest to those in the Nerdery.

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